Flights Data Jar Shortcut Updated 12272022-040823 GitHub IssueRoutineHub PageDavid Blue’s RoutineHub LibraryiCloud Share LinkWorking CopySource Repo FileWTFThings Social Telegram Discourse PostFlights Data Jar Shortcut RoutineHub Page Versions 1.0 1.1 Fixed Shortcuts setup actions. Changed notification noise to TCAS traffic alert. 1.1 Store and (optionally) […]

a-Shell App Store Review Updated 01192023-034109 ~WTFLocalDraftUlyssesMedium The notable boundary-pusher in the iPadOS/iOS local command line.There are now quite a few terminal emulator-esque apps on the App Store, but I’ve been using a-Shell since it was joined only by Blink (from which it was […]


ambulate | ˈambyəˌlāt | verb [no object] formal or technical walk; move about: making use of crutches to ambulate | tortoises are diurnally active, ambulating mainly over the course of the day. DERIVATIVES ambulation | ˌambyəˈlāSHən | noun ORIGIN early 17th century: from Latin ambulat- ‘walked’, from the verb ambulare.


ideate | ˈīdēˌāt | verb [with object] mainly formal form an idea of; imagine or conceive: he is part of a team that ideates branding strategies | (as adjective ideated) :  the arc whose ideated center is a nodal point in the composition. • [no object] form ideas; think. ORIGIN early 17th century: from medieval Latin ideat- ‘formed as an idea’, from the verb ideare, from Latin idea (see idea).

actually quite embarrassed to admit how much the upcoming PixelFed iOS app’s experience is changed by today’s addition of a dark mode. other stuff too! coming along incredibly well.


prognostication | präɡˌnästəˈkāSH(ə)n | noun the action of foretelling or prophesying future events: an unprecedented amount of soul-searching and prognostication. • a prophecy: these gloomy prognostications proved to be unfounded. ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French prognosticacion, from medieval Latin prognosticatio(n-), from the verb prognosticare (see prognosticate).

Tape Loops (feat. Hugh Hardie) – London Elektricity

Tape Loops (feat. Hugh Hardie) – London Elektricity “’ {"results”:[{“artworkUrl100”:“”,“trackExplicitness”:“notExplicit”,“trackTimeMillis”:335534,“collectionCensoredName”:“Fast Running Music”,“country”:“USA”,“currency”:“USD”,“collectionPrice”:8.9900000000000002,“artworkUrl60”:“”,“collectionName”:“Fast Running Music”,“trackViewUrl”:“”,“artworkUrl30”:“”,“discCount”:1,“artistViewUrl”:“”,“releaseDate”:“2016-08-05T12:00:00Z”,“collectionExplicitness”:“notExplicit”,“wrapperType”:“track”,“trackNumber”:24,“isStreamable”:true,“trackId”:1212577712,“collectionViewUrl”:“”,“trackPrice”:1.29,“artistId”:2851912,“artistName”:“London Elektricity”,“collectionId”:1212577512,“previewUrl”:“”,“trackCensoredName”:“Tape Loops (feat. Hugh Hardie) [Villem Remix]”,“discNumber”:1,“trackName”:“Tape Loops (feat. Hugh Hardie)”,“kind”:“song”,“collectionArtistId”:4940310,“collectionArtistName”:“Various Artists”,“trackCount”:52,“primaryGenreName”:“Dance”},{“artworkUrl60”:“”,“collectionPrice”:9.9900000000000002,“wrapperType”:“track”,“country”:“USA”,“isStreamable”:true,“releaseDate”:“2016-08-05T12:00:00Z”,“artistId”:2851912,“collectionViewUrl”:“”,“kind”:“song”,“trackExplicitness”:“notExplicit”,“currency”:“USD”,“artistName”:“London Elektricity”,“artistViewUrl”:“”,“artworkUrl30”:“”,“trackViewUrl”:“”,“discCount”:1,“collectionCensoredName”:“Are We There Yet? (The Med School Scans)”,“collectionId”:1126058199,“trackCensoredName”:“Tape Loops (feat. Hugh Hardie) [Villem Remix]”,“previewUrl”:“”,“trackTimeMillis”:335534,“trackName”:“Tape Loops (feat. Hugh Hardie)”,“trackPrice”:1.29,“collectionName”:“Are […]

Things Ulysses Theme you can now download my Things-inspired Ulysses theme in the themes gallery :).


BUILTIN(1) – General Commands Manual NAME builtin, !, %, ., :, @, [, {, }, alias, alloc, bg, bind, bindkey, break, breaksw, builtins, case, cd, chdir, command, complete, continue, default, dirs, do, done, echo, echotc, elif, else, end, endif, endsw, esac, eval, exec, exit, […]


BUILTIN(1) – General Commands Manual NAME builtin, !, %, ., :, @, [, {, }, alias, alloc, bg, bind, bindkey, break, breaksw, builtins, case, cd, chdir, command, complete, continue, default, dirs, do, done, echo, echotc, elif, else, end, endif, endsw, esac, eval, exec, exit, […]


shortcuts(1) – General Commands Manual NAME shortcuts – Command-line utility for running shortcuts. SYNOPSIS shortcuts run shortcut-name [–input-path input-path …] [–output-path output-path …] [–output-type output-type] shortcuts list [–folder-name folder-name] [–folders] shortcuts view shortcut-name shortcuts sign [–mode mode] –input input –output output DESCRIPTION The shortcuts command is used to run, list, view or sign shortcuts. To create or […]


WHICH(1) – General Commands Manual NAME which – locate a program file in the user’s path SYNOPSIS which [-as] program … DESCRIPTION The which utility takes a list of command names and searches the path for each executable file that would be run had these […]


BUILTIN(1) – General Commands Manual NAME builtin, !, %, ., :, @, [, {, }, alias, alloc, bg, bind, bindkey, break, breaksw, builtins, case, cd, chdir, command, complete, continue, default, dirs, do, done, echo, echotc, elif, else, end, endif, endsw, esac, eval, exec, exit, […]