
I read a lot on the web about technology, cars, music and media. If you’d like to keep up with me, join my/Extratone‘s reading list channel on Discord, which has also served as a place for others to share their favorite links as well. Using the Discord chat exporter, I’ve created an HTML file of the channel’s entire history as of April 6th, 2020.

I’ve posted some of my all-time favorites from the past few years in this Twitter thread.

Favorite Newsletters


Dave Pell’s Nextdraft newsletter is the only hard news mailer I would ever recommend. If you can stand his puns, you need to subscribe.

The Interface

Casey Newton is quite simply the best reporter on the social media beat. His daily output is absolutely astounding.

The Browser

Edited by Robert Cottrell and Caroline Crampton, The Browser always adds something to my week.

The Media Today

The Columbia Journalism Review‘s daily in-depth email is perhaps the most comprehensive aggregate of media news available.

Memoir Monday

A weekly collaborative effort between Catapult, Longreads, Granta, Guernica, Narratively, and The Rumpus that provides memoirs I actually want to read, which is astonishing.

Cyberdeck Users Weekly

Ex-Verge Paul Miller‘s new bi-weekly newsletter and podcast. There is nobody in tech media quite like Paul.


Ernie Smith’s Tedium is unlike any other publication on the web.

All-Time Favorites

An ongoing list of some of my absolute favorite reads on The Net.