fabforgottennobility: An SR-71 aircraft, popularly known as the Blackbird, is refueled in flight. Photographer’s Name: CMSGT Don Sutherland Date Shot: 1/1/1988 via defenseimagery.mil

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womw: Omega Speemaster ‘57 in stainless steel and red gold. In house 9300 movement. by raffiwatchboutique from Instagram http://ift.tt/1wcCBcT IDEAL

womw: Heute endlich mit der Post gekommen… by amazing_alevin from Instagram http://ift.tt/1vcA99E

The Piss of Death

This is a poem I wrote a few weeks ago – drunk – in as little time as it took to scribble the words. Never underestimate the intelligence of a trout Piss and sod off sod right off Run the plates, Bill Run the […]

womw: Les montres noires ne sont habituellement pas mes préférées mais cette 335 est plutôt pas mal ! Et vous, vous les préférez comment vos panerai ? Black watches aren’t usually my preferred watches but this 335 is pretty cool ! And you, how do you prefer […]