macOS Ventura Wallpaper Shortcuts macOS Ventura Wallpaper Shortcuts These two Base64-Bound Baddies might simplify your yuppie existence for another few weeks.Somehow, I managed to find myself in possession of two Very Large image files: the(?) new dark/light wallpaper pair coming in macOS Ventura. (Here they […]

Summarize this for a high school graduate: Text Replacement TextReplacement Declare a Personalized Vocabulary across Apple’s OSs with Text Replacement. If you’re like me, your cumulative experience of typing on iPhones for more than a decade is probably saturated with needlessly disruptive, unsolicited, and […]

Summarize this for a high school graduate: Eighty days ago, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Software Engineering ~~stood up in front of a crowd of~~… No!… It was just me… Alone, in my mother’s basement, on a Monday morning, contorted at stupid angles, typing […]

Summarize this for a high school graduate: Believe it or not, I, too originally sought the Russian-owned, cross-platform-as-hell messaging service for “privacy” – or perhaps solitude would be more apt. It was in 2017, amidst the shock that the Tump Presidency was actually going […]

Summarize this for a high school graduate: Believe it or not, I, too originally sought the Russian-owned, cross-platform-as-hell messaging service for “privacy” – or perhaps solitude would be more apt. It was in 2017, amidst the shock that the Tump Presidency was actually going […]

macOS Ventura Wallpaper Shortcuts These two Base64-Bound Baddies might simplify your yuppie existence for another few weeks.  Somehow, I managed to find myself in possession of two Very Large image files: the(?) new dark/light wallpaper pair coming in macOS Ventura. (Here they are in […]

Download Random DJ Screw Chapter Siri Shortcut RoutineHub – Download Random Screw Tape GitHub Issue RoutineHub Page iCloud Share Link WTF Download a random gem from the 343-tape deep DJ Screw Discography on in VBR mp3 format. I must first note that I […]

Encountering the Concept of “Premium Podcasts” for the First Time

Drafts Themes Showcase Updated 07222022-042755 GitHub IssueSnapas GalleryThingsSimplenote LocalSimplenote PublishWTFTaio Image UploaderDraftsTemplateShowcaseFrames Drafts 49 Grid 07222022-034448 Siena LightSiena Light – urbanbike Drafts DirectorySource File Todoist LightTodoist Light – mHack Drafts DirectorySource File Warm and BrightWarm and Bright Drafts DirectorySource File CowsayCollected View On WordPress

it’s hardly been long at all, but this place continues to astound me. it’s probably a good thing that I haven’t tried to articulate why, exactly. maybe I’ll get there, someday, but for now… HERE LIES E

ALT David Blue Draws David Blue Draws #DavidBlueDraws – Twitter Search / Twitter

Action, Command Go To Bookmark, ⇧⌃Post to Mastodon, ⇧⌃⌥M~ Townie Link, ⌃~Drakesville, ⌃MSMS Drakesville, ⇧⌥⌘M~ Town Copy HTML, ⇧⌃⌥CInsert DavodTime™ timestamp., ⇧⌃⌥TTAD-Deduplicate All (Lines), ⇧⌘-Export Psalms Notes, ⇧⌃⌥NExport Psalms Drafts, ⇧⌃⌥DKeyboard Shortcuts Export, ⌃⌥⌘KMarkdown Capture Selected URL, ⌥OTot5 Draft Link as MD link (Shortcut), […]