What’s Bandcamp?

Earlier this year, one of my favorite bands left their label, recorded a new album, and released it as a digital download from their own website. The hour it was due out, I headed to their site, and after several minutes of watching the […]


Noun a state or condition markedly different from the norm Synonyms aberrance aberrancy deviance Less specific abnormality abnormalcy More specific chromosomal aberration chromosomal anomaly chrosomal abnormality chromosonal disorder deflection warp Related aberrant deviant deviate aberrate aberrate aberrant deviant deviate aberrant deviant deviate aberrate aberrate […]

Voicemail Hell 2024David Blue Voicemail Hell 2024 Once again, I gathered the cacophony of unwanted spam voicemail messages I’ve been left over the past 18 months or so and layered them on top of one another. Let’s call this a work-in-progress draft, for now… […]

peradventure Noun doubt or uncertainty as to whether something is the case; “this proves beyond peradventure that he is innocent” Less specific doubt uncertainty incertitude dubiety doubtfulness dubiousness Adverb by chance; “perhaps she will call tomorrow”; “we may possibly run into them at the […]

Keka for iOS/iPadOS App Store Review

The best compression/extraction utility on the platform. By far the most delightful compression/extraction utility for macOS (imo) is somewhat diminished in delightfulness in its mobile form, though not in its pure functionality. From the perspective of a year one iOS user with plenty of […]

thought I’d try taking the reflector out of this free Habor Freight headlamp and…

Craft Audio Sampler

Meta Description A comprehensive index of the audio notifications/effects found in the cross-platform “productivity app” Craft. See their recent blog post about it: https://www.craft.do/blog/designing-sound-in-craft And more details/the individual sound files on this public Craft doc: https: //extratone.craft.me/craftsounds How we designed sound in a productivity […]

I decided while we were at Waffle House – in the midst of filming this video – that we’re gonna call the Drywall [car] video series Honk. Can’t believe we’ve been around Big Mom ten whole times since the night I convinced my best […]

Nevermore’s Benedict was quite pleased at the end of January to rediscover one of my absolute favorite local routes – notably, the stretch of road on which I once managed to get ye olde XJR fully airborne a lifetime ago. Craft Publish WikiLoc RoadStr […]