iOS 15 is coming within the next few weeks, and it’s full of broken, undocumented glitz, largely. This time, I am writing about it *for my family, specifically,* and it’s been a pain in the ass trying to figure out different combinations of words to express “here’s this new thing… I can’t imagine any reasonable person ever needing/wanting to use it extensively on their fucking cellular phone, but here’s where you might find out how.”

In case you’ve forgotten where to find such work…

is the domain, where the World Wide Website called The Psalms exists.

though it has existed under that title since 2015, not a single sould had ever mentioned anything about it until exactly a week ago.

“I do hope you realize exactly how up your ass it is to call your blog ‘the psalms’ right…”

“I read some of it and despite your best efforts, your laid back tone and acceptance of your own faults as a human being did little to dissuade me that you thought you were the messiah at some level.” (at Apple Park)