macOS Ventura Wallpaper Shortcuts
Updated `07242022-104519`
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## These two Base64-Bound Baddies might simplify your yuppie existence for another few weeks.
Somehow, I managed to find myself in possession of two Very Large image files: the(?) new dark/light wallpaper pair coming in macOS Ventura. (Here they are in full, [**light**]( and [**dark**](, so we’ve got that out of the way.) I don’t actually remember where they came from, so I hope that doesn’t matter much to you. (Maybe don’t contact me if it actually does lol.)
Anyhow, I’ve actually had them for quite a while, but I’ve been meaning to do what I’m trying to tell you about for far, *far* longer. Basically, files (like images) can be stored within single Siri Shortcuts entirely in plaintext form thanks to the magic of [base64]( and the now quite familiar [Base64 Encode]( action. I’ve been meaning to “”“"ǝ ƃ ɐ ɹ ǝ ʌ ǝ l”“”“ this capability to simplify my own, sick, superficial, yet craven need to cycle through inordinately huge image files as my desktop backgrounds/*wallpaper* for literally years, now, but I finally just fucking did it, all for you.
They’re very simple (3 whole actions!) but **please keep in mind that they are also gargantuan**. Since I’m super smart in a way I definitely love very much, I happen to know that *all* of one’s Siri Shortcuts are actually stored in a single sqlite file that is constantly being prodded every which way by iCloud Drive’s mania… Keeping these around is not going to help.