
New Public API and Neue Post Format Documentation

We’re abnormally jazzed to announce some significant updates to our public API and its documentation:

  • Our Tumblr API documentation has moved to Github in Markdown format. It also includes a few new things here and there, like a section on newer and better Blog Unique Identifiers.
  • The Neue Post Format is now available for use via the Tumblr API when consuming or creating posts! You can now make posts using a JSON specification that’s easier to use than HTML and will be more extensible moving forward as we build new ways of posting.
  • The new public documentation on Github now includes the JSON specification of the Neue Post Format to help you consume NPF and create Posts using NPF. We aren’t currently planning to deprecate the “Legacy” posting flows (yet), but at some point in the future we won’t be able to guarantee that HTML posts will look as intended on all devices and platforms.
  • Work on the Neue Post Format is ongoing here at Tumblr as we make the posting experience better, more streamlined, and more exciting; any changes we make will be documented in our new public docs on Github. Watch our new public doc repository to find out when these changes happen!
  • You can pass along the query parameter ?npf=true to any Tumblr API endpoint that returns Posts to return those Posts in the Neue Post Format rather than the legacy Post format.

To get started with our public API, register your own OAuth application and try using one of our Official API Clients! If you have any questions, please hit us up.

well… really wish I discovered this sooner.