Changes and Updates

Bilge Version 2.3

New look, more posts

I’ve been devoting significant attention to this blog recently, and I hope it shows. Readingnow contains a list of recommended email newsletters as well as an ongoing list of my all-time favorite reads on The Web. I also added Podcast for End User and a dedicated Subscribe page. About has also been updated with new branding and more current hyperlinks. Typography and colors have been unified and updated to Version 2.3, if you care.

Furthermore, I took the time to import some old work:

An old, hilarious rant about Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk that – if I may say so – still rings awfully true today.

A local bluegrass band releases an album that proves they are not just what they appear to be.

A deep dive into whether or not the voice of one old White Portland Dad should be culturally considered.

This blog has now surpassed Extratone in number of email subscribers, which I deeply appreciate. Though you’re not paying – yet (hehe) – let me once again encourage any/all feedback you may have. Send me an email!


David Blue: The Film Collection

David Blue: The Film Collection

Blimp’s Burden, Chapter VII

Blimp’s Burden, Chapter VII