Live L I FE
Downtown Jefferson City, underexposed.
the hateful curse of the classically-trained
clever in sharp
through it all
my holy communion
my reference tradition
now sometimes witnessed
and lamented
if only all these had been told
shut out! shut up!
just listen
my companion met me two nights in a row in front of the Heidelberg and said twice
she loves me
and of course it’s like me to begin to read in but
when nobody else does, she loves me
I don’t quite note his particular personification
more impressively trained, definitively
with a stack of charts – some his – on his noggin
but when he’d finally play, I’d pity
because he must ask first
and his fingers are well-read
but they must ask first
and every little passerby
draws away his eye
so delicate,
his attention for she that loves him
Reading is just staring at a dead piece of wood for hours and hallucinating
please delete this
Drycast – Episode 24 – Gavin’s Stache Stash
Drycast – Episode 24 – Gavin’s Stache Stash
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