iPad CommandmentsSteve JobsFrom the original iPad’s launch event (January 27th, 2010,) these are the six tasks Jobs listed at which the iPad was to exceed the laptop and the smartphone. The Original iPad Commandments In order to really create a new category of devices, […]

hot toke: unbelievably… somehow… perhaps out of nothing but whole insanity... the iPad 10th gen makes so much more sense now that I’ve actually held it in my own two hands! highly recommend taking a trip to a physical representation of Apple, Incorporated as […]

guys, I am honored beyond words to announce that my collection has WON the 14th annual iPhone Photography Awards! they sent everybody else home!

𝔄ℭℭ𝔘ℜ𝔖𝔈𝔇 𝔒𝔅𝔍𝔈ℭ𝔗 elaboration: this is the $349 “Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro” which – is not actually a full-sized keyboard – doesn’t feel all that great – can ONLY be used with an iPad Pro compared to a $149 “Magic Keyboard:” – can be […]

overpriced by a huge bit, outdated (this is a 2016 design I think,) impressively susceptible to fingerprints, but hey! at least Apple had the sense to add a physical power switch. also, let me just say once again that I will be fucking glad […]

updated homescreen layout. I think I actually despise every single one of the new wallpapers lol.

Drycast – Episode 24 – Gavin’s Stache Stash

Drycast – Episode 24 – Gavin’s Stache Stash Twitter David Blue BMW James Wilson -Speakin easy –Shag Band –AKA Voodoo Woman -Jimmy’s growin’ pains -SPEEDY WIFE -The KIDS WHO ARE ALSO SPIES MARATHON [SPECIAL COMING SOON] –ANDY’S BIG TWEET –SOLVED: California’s drought –Highly Sensitive Persons –POTUS […]

Drycast – Episode 14 – Mustangism

Drycast – Episode 14 – Mustangism Mikel Bass joins me for the first time to record this very manly episode. -Debunking Antisemitism -Using snapchat – mommilitia -Evo dude -Drycast is fermenting –Shoenice is on Vine –GOP sexts Iran  -Nose goes is stupid –Jeremy Clarkson suspended […]

Extratone on Apple News

This is it! Extratone is now officially consumable via the (debatably) most visually-digestible news aggregator available! I’m tremendously proud and appreciative for the friends of mine who’ve contributed so far, and continually-enchanted by your minds, as always. Simply search “extratone” within the app to find our […]