macOS Ventura Wallpaper Shortcuts Updated `07242022-104519` – [WTF](– [Things](things:///show?id=7ewq9wqU6h1vVnnhnZc1aM)— ![VenturaLight Shortcut]( ![VenturaDark Shortcut]( [**VenturaLight**]( [**VenturaDark**]( — ![VenturaDark Shortcut]( ## These two Base64-Bound Baddies might simplify your yuppie existence for another few weeks.​ Somehow, I managed to find myself in possession of two Very Large […]

macOS Ventura Wallpaper Shortcuts macOS Ventura Wallpaper Shortcuts These two Base64-Bound Baddies might simplify your yuppie existence for another few weeks.Somehow, I managed to find myself in possession of two Very Large image files: the(?) new dark/light wallpaper pair coming in macOS Ventura. (Here they […]