Shared iCloud Photos Albums Shared iCloud Photos Albums An index of the sparse metadata accompanying my various shared iCloud Photos albums. Infinite FlightScreen captures of my fucking around in Infinite Flight – an especially intriguing iPad and iPhone-bound flight simulator. Web Page: [] Shortlinks […]

macOS Ventura Wallpaper Shortcuts Updated `07242022-104519` – [WTF](– [Things](things:///show?id=7ewq9wqU6h1vVnnhnZc1aM)— ![VenturaLight Shortcut]( ![VenturaDark Shortcut]( [**VenturaLight**]( [**VenturaDark**]( — ![VenturaDark Shortcut]( ## These two Base64-Bound Baddies might simplify your yuppie existence for another few weeks.​ Somehow, I managed to find myself in possession of two Very Large […]

macOS Ventura Wallpaper Shortcuts macOS Ventura Wallpaper Shortcuts These two Base64-Bound Baddies might simplify your yuppie existence for another few weeks.Somehow, I managed to find myself in possession of two Very Large image files: the(?) new dark/light wallpaper pair coming in macOS Ventura. (Here they […]