ALT shucks! I didn’t know you could use LookUp from the long press/context menu view. maybe one day I’ll be able to trust the results lol.

just about everything makes more sense in Portrait Orientation… except the actual operating system.

Things Ulysses Theme you can now download my Things-inspired Ulysses theme in the themes gallery :).

Great Apps for iPad lmao. I know I am a self-proclaimed stress test, but seriously… The swiftness with which Notion just permanently broke for me literally just saving homework assignments not so long ago is particularly alarming considering the accolades it continues to get […]

iPad CommandmentsSteve JobsFrom the original iPad’s launch event (January 27th, 2010,) these are the six tasks Jobs listed at which the iPad was to exceed the laptop and the smartphone. The Original iPad Commandments In order to really create a new category of devices, […]

hot toke: unbelievably… somehow… perhaps out of nothing but whole insanity... the iPad 10th gen makes so much more sense now that I’ve actually held it in my own two hands! highly recommend taking a trip to a physical representation of Apple, Incorporated as […]