if you are also a mysteriously dangerous fucking iPhone p o w e r u s e r, here’s a cute and beautiful application to track device thermal states. ALT ‎Thermals

Things Ulysses Theme you can now download my Things-inspired Ulysses theme in the themes gallery :).

Apple 30-Pin to USB Cable Unboxing This is the most important consumer technology video you’ve seen in years.

if you ever find yourself in the position I’m in rn – having somehow managed to forget to make an important call *all day* – just a reminder that it’s actually incredibly easy to schedule an iPhone telephone call that will happen without any […]

guys, I am honored beyond words to announce that my collection has WON the 14th annual iPhone Photography Awards! they sent everybody else home!

updated homescreen layout. I think I actually despise every single one of the new wallpapers lol.