siriwesen: Aye yo? Onatcer (@[email protected]) Not sure if this would be legit good, but I think it’s cool that Mastodon and Tumblr are like… considering dating. Screenshot from Matt Mullenweg’s Twitter: Matt Mullenweg @ photomatt“How should @ Tumblr integrate with Mastodon and/or @ bluesky […]

The Coolest Kids are Federated

If you’ve been keeping up with the web at all in the past two years, you’re no doubt at least somewhat familiar with the terms “Mastodon,” “Diaspora,” or “federated social.” Extratone readers may remember my interview with Eugen Rochko last April — the day […]

Extratone was added to Fonts in Use! It’s nerdy stuff but it’s a pretty great feeling to see our site and its story on one of my favorite design catalogs on the web.