Image generated by OpenAI’s DALL•E 2 in response to the prompt: “Siri has been given a body. Create her professional head shot.”

Image generated by OpenAI’s DALL•E 2 in response to the prompt: “A file cabinet made of turkey stuffing.”

Write an article about the Top Ten Blimps of 2022

With the technology available today, blimps have seen a huge spike in popularity as a form of transportation, providing a unique experience for those who love being airborne. The blimp variety is vast, from the classic Goodyear Zeppelin to the ultra-modern designs offered by […]

Chat-GPT Spider Man Prompt: Write a short story about a college freshmen who gets bit by a mutant spider on a field trip. The bite gives him superpowers. OpenAi: As a college freshmen, Jeremy had always been excited to explore new places and try […]

#driving #licking #waze The article is about a man who drives to Licking, Missouri and uses the Waze app. He notes that the app is useful for avoiding police officers, and that it has a feature that allows you to share your location with […]

This is a way to run shortcuts from anywhere using hyperlinks. You can create links that will run shortcuts from anywhere on iOS or macOS as hyperlinks by using the URL scheme ‘shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=’ and ‘shortcuts://x-callback-url/run-shortcut?name=’.

I managed to be reckless, tedious, and zealous in the usually-dry process of purchasing a new laptop, and found the story worth sharing. Expect a full review of the HP Spectre in the coming weeks.

This poem is about how the world is growing tired of the lies that people tell. It talks about how we are all filled with deceit and that it is ruining us.

Summarize this for a high school graduate: Varmilo VA108M Varmilo VA108M Yes, I bought a mechanical keyboard. It occurred to me that folks who spend a lot of time doing things that require tools – professionals, artisans, craftsmen, etc. – usually seek out the […]

Summarize this for a high school graduate: Text Replacement TextReplacement Declare a Personalized Vocabulary across Apple’s OSs with Text Replacement. If you’re like me, your cumulative experience of typing on iPhones for more than a decade is probably saturated with needlessly disruptive, unsolicited, and […]

Summarize this for a high school graduate: Eighty days ago, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Software Engineering ~~stood up in front of a crowd of~~… No!… It was just me… Alone, in my mother’s basement, on a Monday morning, contorted at stupid angles, typing […]

Summarize this for a high school graduate: Believe it or not, I, too originally sought the Russian-owned, cross-platform-as-hell messaging service for “privacy” – or perhaps solitude would be more apt. It was in 2017, amidst the shock that the Tump Presidency was actually going […]

Summarize this for a high school graduate: Believe it or not, I, too originally sought the Russian-owned, cross-platform-as-hell messaging service for “privacy” – or perhaps solitude would be more apt. It was in 2017, amidst the shock that the Tump Presidency was actually going […]