falsehood, by Rupi Kaur – It’s on pg. 108 of my paperback copy of *Milk and Honey*. — > you were the most beautiful thing i’d ever felt till now. and i was convinced you’d remain the most beautiful thing i’d ever feel. do […]

ecstatic reds and oranges bright but I can’t comment on technique dazers in their bizarring pauses on wary’s abandoning squares and miniatures of things you over and over again think shouldn’t be away from it all I am quaint with missiles and I like […]

am I the silent one in delegation in my tower? at once the outcast and lighthouse o’er this wispy disheveled community in which I dabble, of course sometimes in accompaniment to their howls at black sometimes absent entirely

and yet we’re still forgiven

see what we have asked of this land: juicing zea jabbing through chapped flats see what we have asked of her soldiers: contentment, submerged alone in nuggets of petrified human safetyglass shower of obliterated abstracts; white like love, but no shards large enough to […]

eighth, ninth in the wake of presence consumed by tens of confrontations egalitry too slick for gallantry on the balcony the brow

Needles in the bulge Straddling Compromising for dopamine. Frankly, it’s just another method. The outcome of the science should be nothing but measuring. Have you a beaker for my brain? Simple equations to find volume. Simple controls you’ll gain everywhere and probably shouldn’t lose. […]

mirror of all’s sustenance who’s beam’s abeam me nebulous, she is with me company that I – by routine – cannot break I am destined to – till dust’s cessation – cinque synoms as if lunar fondness was new I, clichér, see as my […]

Here is the bargain, surfacing again, true It’s not that I forgot what comes with you I simply couldn’t have My feet are getting wet and I am very much in notice isn’t that chastisable? I find it amusing. distilled things, moreso today and […]

Wait’s Weight

Probably the best thing I wrote all summer. horns down June’s gulley were theWicca of my little abdomen,predominant of age ever I dreadedthe wait’s weightso crushingon that island of a lotthat is really amany,but my memory… how many times would little meimagine me now,remembering […]

in the sails of home, drawn light the world dims we must keep speaking because there is nothing more to say

mezzanine breaking my fingers fell, she felt twine through her back

proxima, smoldering to be smaller, less wanting the balance, flickering a docile sun

Foreverafter asked to abridge the unabridgable. Paid to bring the quiet in your house. Show serenity around the neighborhood like a new dog. I don’t know what you were thinking, thinking peace is all you want. Synonyming contentment with it and still afraid of […]

every human being of word persuasion has tried to get smells downhas tried to keep themthis late-August air is of a very particular natureto meone that I would care to remain in foreverwere it not for that most irritating reality of ourspecial psychology: the […]