Things Dark Theme for Blink Shell Continuing my general late habit of creating Things 3-based color themes for various applications, I’ve made one for Blink Shell. Here’s the Gist. You should be able to import it with the URL below: t.prefs_.set(‘color-palette-overrides’,[“#171c22”,“#fed400”,“#4cafa5”,“#4bbe5f”,“#b046fe”,“#fe467c”,“#1badf7”,“#c8c58b”,“#86909e”,“#fed400”,“#4cafa5”,“#4bbe5f”,“#b046fe”,“#fe467c”,“#1badf7”,“#87919f”]);t.prefs_.set(‘background-color’, “#191d22”);t.prefs_.set(‘foreground-color’, “#dfe3e8”);t.prefs_.set(‘cursor-color’, […]

Another Brief Showcase of Ulysses’ Visual Malleability Another Brief Showcase of Ulysses’ Visual Malleability I have been genuinely enjoying (for the most part) my several months-long journey, now, exploring the experience of perhaps the eldest elder iOS word processing application, Ulysses, and its just have […]