tumblr.js update


We just published v1.1.0 of the tumblr.js API client. We didn’t make too much of a fuss when we released a bigger update in May, but here’s a quick run-down of the bigger updates you may have missed if you haven’t looked at the JS client in a while:

  • Method names on the API are named more consistently. For example, blogInfo and blogPosts and blogFollowers rather than blogInfo and posts and followers.
  • Customizable API baseUrl. We use this internally when we’re testing new API features during development, and it’s super convenient.
  • data64 support, which is handy for those times when you have a base64-encoded image just lying around and you want to post it to Tumblr.
  • Support for Promise objects. It’s way more convenient, if you ask me. Regular callbacks are still supported too.
  • Linting! We’ve been using eslint internally for a while, so we decided to go for it here too. We’re linting in addition to running mocha tests on pull requests.

Check it out on GitHub and/or npm and star it, if you feel so inclined.

tumblr.js REPL

When we were updating the API client, we were pleasantly suprised to discover a REPL in the codebase. If you don’t know, that’s basically a command-line console that you can use to make API requests and examine the responses. We dusted it off and decided to give it its own repository. It’s also on npm.

If you’re interested in exploring the Tumblr API, but don’t have a particular project in mind yet, it’s a great way to get your feet wet. Try it out!